Absolute Excel VAT Filer
Latest Articles
Authorisation - Internal Server Error (500) - Internal server error
Absolute Submitted Item Count Error
Authorisation - Service Unavailable (503)- Service Unavailable
Can I file an amended VAT return?
Can I type directly onto the spreadsheet?
Can I use the import sheet with the MAC version?
Can I use VAT Filer for another company, and if so how do I do this?
Can I use VAT Filer online?
Can the Absolute Excel MTD VAT Filer be used for partially exempt traders?
Can the Absolute Excel MTD VAT Filer be used to file group VAT returns?
Can the Absolute Excel MTD VAT Filer be used to file monthly VAT returns?
Can the VAT Filer deal with Postponed VAT Accounting (PVA) following Brexit?
Compile error in hidden module
Does the Absolute Excel MTD VAT Filer work on Apple or Android devices?
Getting out of date error when running a newly downloaded copy of the VAT Filer - version 3.4 (Windows) or 3.4 (MAC)
HMRC Server error
HMRC Server scheduled maintenance
HMRC you cannot access the service from this page when filing a VAT return
How can I confirm whether my submission was successful to HMRC
How can I obtain another copy of the VAT Filer help guide for Mac?
How can I obtain another copy of the VAT Filer help guide for Windows?
How do I get a copy of the VAT Filer program
How do I grant authority to file a VAT return to HMRC?
How do I purchase additional licences?
How do VAT Filer licences work?
How long does it take to sign up for MTD?
How long does the VAT Filer licence run for?
How many copies of VAT Filer can I use?
How to renew my licences?
I am getting a message saying that I need to ''Grant authority'' but I have already done this
I have received a letter from HMRC stating that I can no longer use XML software from 8th April 2021 - can I use VAT Filer?
I have renewed but haven’t received a new username and password
Invalid monetary amount
Invalid VAT registration number
Microsoft has blocked macros from running because the source of this file is untrusted.
No current VAT obligations
No licences currently available.
Obligation - Internal server error
Obligation retrieval - invalid VRN
Obligation retrieval - the HMRC server has indicated that no associated data is found
Obligation retrieval - VAT Period does not match your current HMRC VAT obligations
Obligation retrieval - VAT submission cannot be before the period end date.
Obligation retrieval the client and or agent is not authorised
Payment indicator not showing on PDF receipt
Return submitted too early.
RTE 13 type mismatch
SPILL error
Spreadsheet Errors
The VAT Filer is asking for a password but I don't know what it is?
The VAT submission date formats are incorrect. The format should be DD/MM/YYYY
This account is currently locked.
Trying to link cells and unable to open my source spreadsheet
Trying to type onto VAT Filer and it is asking for a password
Unknown error occurred. Please try again or contact us
Unsuccessful submission VAT Filer spreadsheet version is out of date
Username and Password Errors
Values feeding through as ####### from source file to the Excel VAT Filer
VAT filer spreadsheet version is out of date and can no longer be used yet I am running version 3.4
VAT return submitted too early.
VAT server error
VAT submission - Invalid VAT registration number
VAT submission - Matching resource not found
VAT submission - user has already submitted a VAT return for the given period
VAT submission amounts should be a non-negative number less than 9999999999999.99 with up to 2 decimal places.
VAT Submission Unsuccessful The Absolute Accounting Software username or password provided is incorrect. Please check your Absolute Excel VAT filer spreadsheet cells C29 and C30
What format should the date be entered?
When I click on link cells nothing happens I don't get a pop up window?
Why is box 3 highlighted in Red on my spreadsheet?
Why is box 5 highlighted in red?
Why is my VAT number highlighted in red?
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