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Absolute Excel VAT Filer
Articles in Absolute Excel VAT Filer
Obligation retrieval - the HMRC server has indicated that no associated data is found
Obligation retrieval - VAT Period does not match your current HMRC VAT obligations
Obligation retrieval - VAT submission cannot be before the period end date.
Obligation retrieval the client and/or agent is not authorised.
Payment indicator not showing on PDF receipt
Return submitted too early.
RTE 13 type mismatch
SPILL error
Spreadsheet Errors
The VAT Filer is asking for a password but I don't know what it is?
The VAT submission date formats are incorrect. The format should be DD/MM/YYYY
This account is currently locked.
Trying to link cells and unable to open my source spreadsheet
Trying to type onto VAT Filer and it is asking for a password
Unknown error occurred. Please try again or contact us
Unsuccessful submission VAT Filer spreadsheet version is out of date
Values feeding through as ####### from source file to the Excel VAT Filer
VAT filer spreadsheet version is out of date and can no longer be used yet I am running version 3.4
VAT return submitted to early.
VAT server error